- 論文の詳細を見る
The intracellular DNA of bacteria, bacteriophage and plasmids is subject to topological constraints that function to maintain it in a superhelical conformation. For the last several years, accumulating evidence has indicated that supercoiling of DNA duplex is required for effective transcription, as well as for the replication and recombination of cellular DNA. The relevance of DNA superhehlicity to transcription in vivo has been suggested by the observations that the overall rate of transcription directed by the E. coli, bacteriophage and plasmid genomes is generally reduced when the activity of DNA gyrase is inhibited by the specific drugs, such as nalidixic acid or coumermycin. An interesting observation from our in vitro studies has been that stimulation of transcription by superhelicity of DNA is more pronounced with S 100 crude extract proteins than with pure RNA polymerase.<BR>DNA in the prokayrotic cell has a compact conformation due to its interaction with cellular proteins (Histone like proteins). Recentry, seven classes of those proteins (HLP I, HLP II, 28K protein etc.) have been isolated and characterized as essential components of the nucleoid. In this review, we focus on the effect of superhelical conformation of the DNA duplex and association of the DNA with the nucleoid proteins on transcription.
- 日本生物物理学会の論文
今本 文男
山崎 健一
黒木 和之
理化学研究所 分子遺伝学研究室
加納 康正
理化学研究所 分子遺伝学研究室
今本 文男
理化学研究所 分子遺伝学研究室
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- 大腸菌核様体の転写
- テンペレ-ト・ファ-ジの生物学に関する国際会議(学会見聞記)
- 遺伝子発現とDNA超ラセン構造
- アガロ-スゲル内のDNAとRNAの高感度銀染色法
- クロモゾ-ムDNAの高次構造形成とその意義--DNAシャペロンの働き
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- シグマ(σ)因子の機能地図
- 生命工学の新しい展開を求めて-1-組換え遺伝子の発現
- 遺伝子発現の自己調節--アテニュエ-ションを中心に
- ナンセンスコドンの生理的役割 オペロンの極性現象を中心に
- メッセンジャーRNA崩壊の制御 mRNA不活化の機構の非一様性
- メッセンジャーRNA合成の制御 転写と翻訳の共役関係における非一様性
- メッセンジャーRNAの調製 (核酸実験法-上-)
- 細菌のリボゾームRNAの調製 (核酸実験法-上-)
- 1970年度Cold Spring Harbor Symposium〔RNA transcription〕(学会見聞記)
- ナンセンス変異による蛋白合成の変調 (生体高分子の生合成-2-(特集)) -- (蛋白質合成)