A Game-Theoretic Approach for Distributed Power Control in Wireless Mesh Networks
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It has been shown that power control is an efficient approach to achieve the quality of service (QoS) requirement in wireless networks. In this letter, we present a utility function that denotes the QoS and energy efficiency of each wireless terminal. We propose a framework of power control based on the game theory for the QoS of wireless mesh networks (WMNs). In this framework, all players do their best to maximize their own utility. Furthermore, we present a Nash Equilibrium (NE) point of the power control game. We prove that the equilibrium is inefficient, and we propose a distributed power control algorithm that improves the total utility with respect to the NE point. Finally, the proposed framework is evaluated by a numerical experiment, the results of which show the rationality of our system model and the efficiency of our power control algorithm.
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