- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of aquatic exercise training on the trunk muscles function and activities of daily living in abdominal obese women. Nineteen abdominal obese (abdominal circumference: 90 cm or more) and fifteen age-matched non-obese women were recruited as participants in this study. The aquatic exercise training (60 min/day, three days/week for 8 weeks) based on abdominal twists for activating the trunk muscle function. Physical parameters, biochemical characteristics, arteriosclerotic parameters and activities of daily living scores were assessed before and after the training period. In both groups showed abdominal circumference, percent of body fat, blood pressure and lower extremity muscle strength increased significantly after aquatic exercising training. In particular, endurance capacity of abdominal and back muscles increased significantly and activities of daily living scores were significantly improved in the obese group. Moreover, the improvement in the strength of lower extremities and improvement in the activities of daily living scores, such as climbing and descending stairs, in the obese group tended to be higher than non-obese women. Additionally, in abdominal obese group, the amount of the reduction of abdominal circumference was significantly associated with that of the increase in the strength of lower extremities. Taken together, these findings suggest the possibilities that the present aquatic exercise training based on trunk muscle exercise improving the function of trunk and lower extremity muscles with reduction in the abdominal obesity, contributing to improve activities of daily living in abdominal obese women.
藤本 繁夫
上田 真也
桂 良寛
吉川 貴仁
中雄 勇人
坂本 弘
臼井 達矢
外林 大輔
高戸 浩志
砂山 友美
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