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In this study, the sensitivity in the diagnostic X-ray region of the single crystalline Si photovoltaic solar panel, which is expected to grow further, was measured by using an X-ray tube. The output voltage of the solar panel was clearly proportional to the tube voltage and a good time response in the irradiation time setting of the tube was measured. The factor which converts measured voltage to irradiation dose was extracted experimentally using a correction filter to investigate the ability of the solar panel as a dose monitor. The obtained conversion factors were NS=13±1[μV/μSv/s] for the serial and NP=58±2[μV/μSv/s] for the parallel connected solar panels, both with the Al 1 mm+Cu 0.1 mm correction filter, respectively. Therefore, a good dose dependence of the conversion factor was confirmed by varying the distance between the X-ray tube and the solar panel with that filter. In conclusion, a simple extension of our results pointed out the potential of a new concept of measurements using, for example, the photovoltaic solar panel, the direct dose measurement from X-ray tube and real time estimation of the exposed dose in IVR.
廣田 淳一
樽澤 孝悦
工藤 幸清
廣田 淳一
樽澤 孝悦
工藤 幸清
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