- 論文の詳細を見る
Transporters are suggested to transport the substrates across the membrane using the alternating access mechanism in which the proteins have three functionally distinct conformational states, outward-facing, occluded and inward-facing. The structures from a secondary active transporter Mhp1 were recently determined in three states of the alternating access mechanism. Comparison of the structures shows that the conformational changes between these states are achieved by the rigid body movement of the four helices relative to the rest of the protein. The molecular basis of the alternating access mechanism is likely to be common among the LeuT superfamily.
岩田 想
Prg Gsc Yokohama Inst Riken:divi Mol Biosci Imperial College London:iwata Project Erato Jst:grad Sch
岩田 想
島村 達郎
(独)科学技術振興機構ERATO岩田ヒト膜受容体構造プロジェクト / 京都大学大学院医学研究科分子細胞情報学
島村 達郎
岩田 想
京都大学大学院医学研究科分子細胞情報学 / (独)科学技術振興機構ERATO岩田ヒト膜受容体構造プロジェクト
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