Protected Plutonium Production by Transmutation of Minor Actinides for Peace and Sustainable Prosperity — Irradiation Tests of Np and Np-U Samples in the Experimental Fast Reactor JOYO (JAEA) and the Advanced Test Reactor at INL —
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A project on Protected Plutonium Production (P3) was proposed by Tokyo Institute of Technology as part of a nonproliferation research program for plutonium (Pu) utilization in nuclear reactors. The project is aimed at the production of inherently protected Pu by the addition of 237Np to uranium (U) fuel. In order to validate this P3 concept, two irradiation tests were performed. In the first, a determination of Pu isotopes in 237Np samples irradiated in the experimental fast reactor JOYO was done to evaluate 238Pu production from 237Np under fast neutron spectra. The fast reactor can undertake P3, which can be better performed in the reflector region. In the test, the percentage of the total amount of 238Pu atoms transmuted from 237Np atoms by irradiation was around 90%. In the second test, 2, 5, and 10% Np-containing U samples were irradiated in the Advanced Test Reactor at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to evaluate 238Pu production in the thermal neutron region. The fuel specimens were removed from the core at 100, 200, and 300 effective full power days (EFPDs), and then a postirradiation examination was completed at an analytical laboratory in the Materials & Fuels Complex (MFC) at the INL. For the samples after irradiation for 300 EFPDs, Np depletions were about 60% for 2% neptunium (Np)-U samples and about 50% for 5 and 10% Np-U samples. The 238Pu-to-Pu ratios were about 20, 30, and 45% for 2, 5, and 10% Np-U samples, respectively.
SAITO Masaki
Tokyo institute of Technology
Koyama Shin-ichi
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Osaka Masahiko
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Itoh Masahiko
PESCO Co., Ltd.
SAGARA Hiroshi
Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Protected Plutonium Production by Transmutation of Minor Actinides for Peace and Sustainable Prosperity — Irradiation Tests of Np and Np-U Samples in the Experimental Fast Reactor JOYO (JAEA) and the Advanced Test Reactor at INL —
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