- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to investigate the energy policy of the City of Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., and obtain information on energy policy development that may be useful to local public entities in Japan. In response to global warming and future energy resource shortages, local public entities have begun to investigate energy policies. Portland has a reputation as a national leader amongst cities in the U.S.A. on energy policy. This study consists of document investigation, field survey, and interviews on the contents, methods, and achievements of the energy policy of the City of Portland. “City of Portland 1990 Energy Policy” achieved a 10% reduction of energy budget and energy consumption by the city over 10 years, as well as several other good results. It also gives helpful examples for our energy policy formulation: detailed feasibility planning, integration of energy policy into comprehensive city plan as a formal element, and focus on buildings and facilities in the city under a program called “City Energy Challenge” to show citizens the efforts being made by the city. Now, Portland is going to start new policy with the 2050 goal of an 80% carbon reduction.
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