- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the background and intraarticular lesion of traumatic anterior glenohumeral instability, such as Bankart lesions, capsular tear, and HAGL lesions, based on dislocation frequency.33 shoulders with anterior glenohumeral instability underwent arthroscopic examination from 2003 to 2008. Excluded 2 shoulders with massive rotater cuff tear due to old age. We divided them into 2 groups based on dislocation, subdislocation frequency; 1 group with 9 or less dislocations: less than 9 times, and another group for more than 10 dislocations: more than 10 times. Then, we investigated the anterior mechanism failure by background, physical and arthroscopic examinations. Shoulder instability and Carters sign are not significant between the 2 groups. There are not a lot of dislocation frequencies for joint instability and laxity. The group with less than 9 times : there were 12 Type1, 6 Type2, 1 Type3, 1 Type7. And another group of more than 10 times: there were 4 Type1, 2 Type2, 2 Type4, 1 Type6, 2 Type7. When dividing into Bankart lesion of Type1, 2 and 3 and non-Bankart lesion of Type4, 5, 6 and 7, there were intensionally a lot of non-Bankart lesion in the group of more than 10 times of dislocation. However, intraarticular lesion are not possibly related to dislocation frequency, but the period from 1st time injury to operation, because the group of more than 10 times is longer than the groups less than 9 times about period from 1st time injury to operation.
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