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This paper focuses on pricing “temperature options” and the risk sensibility analysis through the marginal substitution value approach. First, in an analogous way to that in Davis [4], a computational procedure to evaluate the fair price of the temperature options is formulated for a purchaser with utility functions of HARA type whose profit function is directly/inversely proportional to the underlying temperature index. Next, as an illustrative example, by using the procedure together with a time series model of daily air temperatures at Nagoya, temperature option prices on the accumulated cooling degree days (CDDs) in summer for a electric power producer and a gas producer are calculated numerically. Finally, through some numerical simulations in the framework, the risk sensibility of the options prices with respect to a risk aversion coefficient and correlation coefficient between temperature index and a electric power/gas spot price is investigated.
三澤 哲也
三沢 哲也
江本 麗行
三澤 哲也
三澤 哲也
Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya City University
江本 麗行
Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya City University
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