間欠型一酸化炭素中毒の1例 : —臨床経過とリハビリテーションの効果について—
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A 56-year-old man was admitted to our hospital for the purpose of rehabilitation. Because this patient developed apallic syndrome 21 days after he recovered from his first coma, he was diagnosed with the interval form of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. On admission, he showed paralysis of all limbs, motor dysfunction due to joint contractures, pain, and higher brain dysfunction. These symptoms were consistent with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings that the frontal white matter was mainly affected while the involvement in the basal ganglion was mild. Rehabilitation was continued, and his motor dysfunction was improved in a few months, although the higher brain dysfunction needed a longer term to improve. An interruption of his rehabilitation resulted in the exacerbation of the motor dysfunction. Subsequent complications of CO poisoning have been reported to be linked to the areas of the involvement revealed by MRI. Since CO poisoning can show various symptoms, a diversity of rehabilitation is required, according to the patients symptoms. We think that rehabilitation is the most effective therapy for the subsequent complications of CO poisoning. Since the symptoms require a long time to improve, it is difficult to deal with them within the application of the existing health insurance and nursing care support regulations. We consider that rehabilitation for motor dysfunction and higher brain dysfunction are important, in addition to hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the acute stage of CO poisoning.
北恵 詩穂里
長谷 陽平
北惠 詩穂里
長谷 陽平
森田 愛
曽根 弘喜
小西 吉裕
北惠 詩穂里
国立病院機構鳥取医療センター 神経内科
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