A hanging life of acroporids in success after COT outbreaks
HATTA Masayuki
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, and Teteyama Marine Laboratory, Marine and Coastal Research Center, Ochanomizu University
HATTA Masayuki
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University
HATTA Masayuki
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, and Tateyama Marine Laboratory, Marine and Coastal Research Center, Ochanomizu University
- An unidentified species of acoel flatworm in the genus Waminoa associated with the coral Acropora from the field in Japan
- A sequential observation of basal skeleton formation in the primary polyp of Acropora
- A hanging life of acroporids in success after COT outbreaks
- Presumed natural hybrids between Acropora donei and Acropora tenuis
- Aboral localization of responsiveness to a metamorphic neuropeptide in the planula larva of Acropora tenuis
- Molecular evidence supporting predation by emerging snails on hermatypic corals in temperate areas of Japan