地域経済と廃棄物循環 : ―北海道地域の廃棄物産業連関分析―
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The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of interdependence between flow of goods and waste in regional economy focusing in Hokkaido region. We apply the input-output model considering waste generated from regional industry and waste treatment sectors. Estimating waste input-output table for Hokkaido region that consists of 38 industrial sectors and three waste disposal methods, we find as follows :First, one unite of final demand for “cement, glass product, miscellaneous stone & clay products”, “beverage, feeds & tobacco” contributes to reducing waste generation for landfill. And that for “pulp, paper & processed paper products” contributes to reducing waste generation for both landfill and incineration in the case of estimation including marketable waste.Second, although the coefficients of direct landfill requirement are negative to produce “precision machinery”, “construction”, “gas supply, stream & hot water supply”, “public service”, “other services”, its inverse counterparts are positive. It means that one unite of final demand for the products indirectly requires landfill service.Third, compared our results with the waste input-output analysis in Japan, we find that the operation of industry such as “agriculture”, “pulp, paper & processed paper products”, “machinery of transportation”, “other manufacturing product (plastic products)” contributes to the reduction of waste for landfill in Hokkaido, although they induce the generation of waste for landfill in Japan.Difference in characteristics of the waste circulation is mainly caused by allocation matrix and input coefficients from the industries of using waste. To improve our method, it is necessary to separate the classification of waste treatment sector in more detail and to improve the estimation method of waste input matrix. Its also necessary to introduce dung and urine of animals generated from agricultural sector into our waste circulation process.JEL classification : Q51, Q53, R15
- 日本地域学会の論文
原 勲
吉本 諭
社団法人 北海道未来総合研究所
保永 展利
社団法人 北海道未来総合研究所
吉本 諭
社団法人 北海道未来総合研究所
原 勲
保永 展利
社団法人 北海道未来総合研究所
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