Economic Structure of Cambodia and Strategies for Pro-Poor Growth: Results from a Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
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The macroeconomy of Cambodia has developed steadily since the end of the past civil war. However, the income gap between rural and urban areas is becoming wider and wider. In addition, poverty reduction is still an important issue for the country. In this paper, we estimate an input-output table and a social accounting matrix of Cambodia for the first time, and construct a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. Based on the CGE model, we analyze the structure of the economy and discuss basic strategies for both macroeconomic growth and poverty reduction in Cambodia. Simulation results show that one cause for the income gap is a difference in growth rates between the service and fishery sectors. Therefore, protection of the environment to conserve fishery productivity is important for poverty reduction. The simulation also shows that export of agricultural and food products efficiently contributes to macroeconomic growth without an income conflict among income classes. As for financial management reforms, preferential treatment of light industries (food products and beverages, tobacco products, and textiles) is more efficient for pro-poor growth in Cambodia than price reduction of final demand goods.JEL Classification: H20, O20, O53, R20
- 日本地域学会の論文
SAITO Katsuhiro
Graduated School of Ibaraki University
小林 慎太郎
Tada Minoru
Faculty Of Business Administration Ryukoku University
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Development Research Division, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
TANJI Hajime
Department of Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering, National Institute for Rural Engineering
HUANG Wenfeng
Technology Department, Eastern System Technology Company Limited
SAITO Katsuhiro
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
小林 慎太郎
TADA Minoru
Faculty of Fisheries Science, School of Agriculture, Kinki University
CREST Mekong Project, Japan Science and Technology Agency
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