- 論文の詳細を見る
Aspects of chromosomal mutation and karyotype evolution in ants are discussed with reference to recently accumulated karyological data, and to detailed karyotype analyses of several species or species complexes with low chromosome number and unusual chromosomal mutations (the complexes of Myrmecia pilosula (Smith) (n=1, 5 or 9 to 16); M. piliventris Smith (n=2, 3-4, 17 or 32), and Ponera scabra Wheeler (n=3 or 4, 2n=7 or 8)). Translocations and Robertsonian polymorphisms are confirmed to be non-randomly distributed among ants -the former are found at high frequencies in species with low chromosome numbers (n≤12), while the latter predominate in those with high numbers (n>12). This situation is consistent with the minimum interaction hypothesis of Imai et al. (1986), under which translocations are expected to occur most frequently in low-numbered karyotypes, and that the resulting genetic risks are minimized by increases in chromosome and/or arm numbers through centric fission and pericentric inversion. Centric fusion is considered to be a transient event in karyotype evolution, resulting from telomere instability in acrocentric chromosomes.
- 日本遺伝学会の論文
今井 弘民
今井 弘民
National Institute Of Genetics
Division of Entomology, C.S.I.R.O.
School of Biological Science, The University of New South Wales
School of Biological Science, The University of New South Wales
IMAI Hirotami
National Institute of Genetics
Taylor R.W.
Division of Entomology, C.S.I.R.O.
Crosland M.W.J.
School of Biological Science, The University of New South Wales
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