- 論文の詳細を見る
F1 plants from 2, 728 crosses in total, made between strains of Oryza perennis Moench, O. sativa L., O. breviligulata Chev. et Roehr., and O. glaberrima Steud., were observed in a survey of hybrid sterility and other developmental abortions which constitute reproductive barriers. All the F1 plants observed showed no significant disturbance in chromosome pairing. Reproductive barriers were found as follows:1) A low crossability due to deterioration of young F1 zygotes was found between the African form of perennis (subsp. barthii) and other taxa.2) Vegetative weakness of F1 plants was frequently found among strains of glaberrima and breviligulata as well as in their hybrids with barthii and other taxa. It was sporadical among perennis and sativa strains.3) F1 pollen sterility was found in various cross-combinations. Strains of glaberrima and breviligulata were inter-fertile with a few exceptions, and generally showed high F1 sterility with most perennis and sativa strains. Strains of perennis could be largely divided into four inter-sterile groups, Asian, African, American and Oceanian, suggesting that isolation by the ocean might have played an important role in phylogenetic differentiation. But some African (barthii) strains showed partial fertilities with others.4) Embryosac fertility was shown by the percentage of anatomically normal embryosacs, which was comparable to the rate of successful back-crossing. No F1 hybrids were completely embryosac-sterile. They were divided into two groups, one in which pollen and embryosac fertilities were correlated and the other in which pollen fertility was near zero but embryosac fertility was apparently higher. Crosses between perennis-sativa and breviligulata-glaberrima series and some other distant crosses belonged to the latter group, in which embryosac tetrads tended to deteriorate.
- 日本遺伝学会の論文
OKA Hiko-Ichi
National Institute of Genetics
朱 耀源
National Institute of Genetics
National Institute of Genetics
National Institute of Genetics
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