Statistical Analysis of Washing Efficiency for Solid Particle Soil
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In a previous study, statistical method using two distributions was applied to analyze detergency of oily soil. The method uses statistical distributions of detergent power and adhesive force of soil. In this paper, this method was applied to an analysis of detergency of solid particles. Soiled cotton cloth was prepared with red iron oxide dispersion liquid in Terg-O-Tometer. Four-time consecutive washings tests were conducted with dodecyl sulfuric acid sodium salt (SDS) and alcohol ethoxylate (AE) aqueous solutions in Terg-O-Tometer. Change of removal efficiencies due to repetitive washing was utilized to seek the two distributions. Predicted removal efficiencies calculated from computer simulation corresponded to experimental values. Different adhered states of soil, prepared by varying soiling conditions, were expressed as Removal Resistance. As soiling mechanical power increased, Removal Resistance shifted toward higher adhesive force of soil and an amount of soil had also increased. Iron oxide concentration only had an affect on an amount of soil. The results showed that the method using two statistical distributions can be applied to the detergency of solid particle.
- 日本油化学会の論文
大矢 勝
大矢 勝
Ishikawa Yusuke
Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences, Yokohama National University
Orito Shintaro
Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences, Yokohama National University
Oya Masaru
Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Education and Human Sciences, Yokohama National Uni
Oya Masaru
Department Of Environmental Sciences Faculty Of Education And Human Sciences Yokohama National Unive
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