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This study aimed to describe the changes in the thecal vasculature during ovarian follicular atresia in the swamp buffalo. Ovaries of Philippine swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis; SB), crossbred (SB × Murrah buffalo; CB) and Holstein-Friesian cow (Bos taurus; HF) were collected from slaughterhouses, fixed in 10% formalin in PBS and embedded in paraffin. Sections of healthy follicle and various follicular stages of atresia were stained with Bandeiraea simplicifolia-I lectin (BSL-I) to visualize the endothelial cells of blood vessels. In the theca interna, healthy follicles in SB had a significantly lower number of capillary vessels than other breeds and other atretic stages of follicle. From healthy to early atretic follicle, theca interna in all breeds showed a significant decrease in the area of capillary vessel. Capillary vessel area significantly increased (but was smaller than in healthy follicle) in the middle stage of atresia and declined again in the late atretic follicle (greater than in early atresia but smaller than in healthy follicle) in SB only. No significant change in the capillary vessel area of theca interna was noted in both CB and HF from early to late atretic follicles. There was no significant difference in the capillary vessel number and area of theca externa among the different breeds and atretic stages of follicle. These results suggest that there are dynamic changes occurring in the thecal vasculature of SB but not CB during follicular atresia which differs among cattle.
- 日本繁殖生物学会の論文
磯部 直樹
Feranil Jun
Laboratory of Animal Science, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshi
中尾 敏彦
Laboratory of Theriogenology, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi U
磯部 直樹
Laboratory of Animal Science, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshi
NAKAO Toshihiko
Laboratory of Theriogenology, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi U
Laboratory of Animal Science, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshi
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