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妊娠末期ヤクヘの無機セレニウム(Se)とビタミンE(V.E)投与が繁殖ヤクの分娩前後における血清中SeおよびV.Eの動態および分娩後黄体機能回復に及ぼす影響を明らかにする目的で、分娩4週間前の妊娠末期放牧ヤクに対してSe 20mgおよびV.E 544 IUを1回で筋肉内投与し、血清中 Se,V.E 及びプロゲステロン(P_4)濃度の変動を検討した。1)投与区の血清中Se濃度は投与前の17.5±3.4ng/mlから2週目の45.2±3.8ng/mlまで有意に上昇し(p<0.001)、その後8週目まで低下しながらも、有意に(p<0.01)高値で推移したのに対し、対照区の血清中Se濃度は分娩前後を通して著しく低い値を持続した。投与区は対照区と比べると2週目と4週目、8週目で有意に高い値を示した(それぞれp<0.001,p<0.001,p<0.05)。2)対照区の血清中V.E濃度は分娩前後に低い値で推移し、試験開始後4週目(分娩時)に有意に低下した(p<0.05)。これに対し、投与区の血清中V.E濃度は投与前に442±70ng/dlの低値であったが、投与後4週目(分娩時)に低下が見られたものの、投与後6週目、8週目では投与前より有意に高かった(ともにp<0.001)。Se・V.E含有製剤投与後4週目、6週目と8週目では対照区に比べ有意に高値を示した(それぞれp<O.05,p<0.001,p<0.001)。3)投与区の血清中P4濃度は対照区より分娩後早期に増加する傾向が見られ、分娩後8週目では、対照区よりも有意に高かった(p<0.05)。In order to clarify the effects of administrating selenium (Se) and vitamin E (V.E) on the recovery of the corpus luteum function and serum Se and V.E concentrations, 20 mg of Se and 544 IU of vitamin E were intramuscularly injected once into five grazing late-pregnant Yaks (Treatment). The changes of serum Se, V.E and progesterone (P_4) levels after injection were examined and compared with that of five non-treated ones (Control).1) The serum Se concentration of Treatment increased from 17.5±3.4 before injection to 45.2±3.8 ng/ml in the 2nd week after injection (P<0.001), and then it declined until the end of the 8th week. However, Control kept it lower than Treatment through experimental period. In the 2nd, 4th, and 8th weeks after injection, the serum Se concentrations of Treatment were significantly higher than those of Control (p<0.001, p<0.05 and p<0.05 respectively).2 ) Serum V.E concentration of Treatment was 422±70ng/dl before injection and decreased in the 4th week after injection around parturition. It increased significantly in the 6th and 8th weeks (p<0.001) after injection as compared with that before injection. And also it was higher than that of Control in the 4th, 6th and 8th weeks after injection. Serum V.E concentration of Control decreased significantly around parturition as compared with that before parturition (p<0.05) and thereafter kept lower level than that of Treatment.3) The serum P_4 concentration of Treatment showed an increasing trend in the early post-partum period as compared with that of Control. The serum P_4 concentrations in the 8th week after parturition were higher in Treatment than in Control (p<0.05).
- 日本家畜管理学会の論文
日本家畜管理学会 | 論文
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