- 論文の詳細を見る
In recent years, the reduction of the fixed numbers and remuneration in local assembly is goiong on. Though It's said they are at high rate especially at big cities, the reasons of reduction are cost-cutting and feeling for some kind of punishment more than examination for properly rate. How it shuld be examined the 'Properly' rate which based on the function and worth of local assembly today? There is no the absolute answer, however some indicators are effective for examination. For the numbers of assembly members, to represent various opinion in society, assembly members needed as many as possible. But the possibles should be capped by the size of deliberative discussion. It might be 7 to 10 members for a steering committee. For remuneration, local assembly member receive the pay as fee for work not as salary and they treated as a part time worker. Since actually they are full time worker in general, the payment should be as salary. It should be balance the amount of same numbers of government officers including Mayor and it of assembly members. A certain expenses of assembly members activities should be supported from comparing with officers who work without expenses from their salary.
- 2014-03-31
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