コイにおけるEdwardsiellatardaに対する免疫反応-III : 抗E.tarda鶏卵抗体(IgY)で受動免疫したコイにおける強病原性E.tardaおよび弱病原性E.tardaに対する好中球の反応
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We studied on responses of neutrophils to Edwardsiella tarda after an injection with the weakened-virulent E.tarda and high-virulent E.tarda within the swimbladder in koi Cyprinus carpio, which were given anti E. tarda-IgY by intramuscular injections for passive immunization. In a fish group challenged with the weakened-virulent bacteria (n=30), infiltrated neutrophils markedly phagocytized bacteria at 17 hs post challenge, and bacteria-laden neutrophils were decreased whereas normal cells were markedly increased between 30 and 48 hs. On the other hand, in a fish group challenged with the high-virulent bacteria (n=30), neutrophils phagocytized bacteria between 17 and 48 hs. Fragmented neutrophils were increased in two fish at 48 hs. Electron microscopy revealed phagocytized bacteria received marked damage in the cell wall followed by cellular digestion within the phagosomes, and formed secondary lysosomes in the cytoplasm in both fish groups. A small number of fragmented neutrophils allowed intracytoplasmic propagation of bacteria. These results determined that anti E. tarda-IgY and neutrophils performed successful collaboration to treated E.tarda: IgY damaged the bacterial cell wall and neutrophils worked for bacteriocide.
- 三重大学大学院生物資源学研究科の論文
三重大学大学院生物資源学研究科 | 論文
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