開発途上国の子どもの学力向上に寄与する活動の検討 : ホンジュラス算数指導力向上プロジェクトインパクト評価から
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本研究は,中米ホンジュラス共和国において2003年4月より開始された「算数指導力向上プロジェクト(PROMETAM)」のインパクト評価を通して,プロジェクト開発教材を活用し研修を受講する教員の学力・指導力,教員が実施する授業の質的向上の達成度と,それらの最終ターゲットである児童の学力を調査することで,理数科教育協力の主要な活動である教材開発や教員研修がどのように児童・生徒の学力向上に貢献し得るのか検討し,今後の協力案件に資する教訓の抽出を行うことを目的とした。教員への学力テストの結果では,プロジェクト開始前の2002年に比べ終了前の2005年の方が平均点で10点以上高く,統計的にも有意差が認められた。また,研修内で行われる教員の学力・指導力向上の達成度を見るテストで,イニシャルテストの結果に比べファイナルテストでは有意に向上している。授業観察や児童のノートチェック等による定性的授業分析の結果では,PROMETAM群はNon-PROMETAM群よりも肯定的ポイントが高く,PROMETAM群では単式・複式の学級形態に関わりなく,PROMETAMが目指した「子どもに考えさせる」授業像に近づいていることが伺える。しかしながら,児童への学力テストの結果分析では,2002年と2005年それぞれの合計点の分布に極端な違いはみられない。そこで,教員と児童の関係からデータを分析するため,それぞれの教員が担当する学級児童の学力平均値の分布を検討し,追加情報を再分析した。その結果,学力の高い教員が児童に作業帳を十分に使わせるという条件下において,児童の学力が向上する可能性が示唆された。The most prevalent aim of international cooperation within the field of pedagogical development has been united in the commitment to improving student academic achievement. Many mathematics and science projects in all over the world carried by Japan International Cooperation Agency, JICA have also purported "to improve the academic achievements of students" as the overall goal. However, due to the various related factors such as school environments, teachers' abilities, family conditions, etc., the resulting impact on the academic achievement of the individual student has been difficult to critically assess withina short timeframe. As yet, it is not clear what particular approach or methodology could be beneficial to the academic achievement of the student. The purpose of this study is to examine the contribution of the mathematics projects to the improvement of student academic achievement, and to extract the lesson learnt for similar projects. As a target project, "Project for the Improvement of Teaching Method in Mathematics in the Basic Education Level, PROMETAM" which was operated by JICA since April, 2003 in the Republic of Honduras, Central America, is picked up. This project has two main activities; one is to develop teaching guidebooks of mathematics for teacher and mathematics textbooks for student, and the other is to provide teacher in-service training about how to use these teaching materials. In the impact evaluation of the project, the following three different data were collected; 1) academic achievement and teaching ability of teachers, 2) lesson quality by the teachers who received teacher in-service training, and 3) student academic achievement. Through the comparison of data collected previously 2002 with the new data of 2005, the academic achievements of the teachers statistically showed difference of more than ten points on the average. Furthermore, there was an improvement of teaching method which was demonstrated through in-house testing, that was the significant differences between the initial and the final test results. The result of qualitative lesson analysis showed difference between the PROMETAM group and the non-PROMETAM control group. In the PROMETAM group, encouraging the students to think for themselves could be observed irrespective of single class or combined class of more than one grade. However, when the students' academic achievement test results were analyzed, there was no significant difference between the performances in 2002 and 2005. To analyze the data from teacher-student relation, the class average distribution of student academic achievement was examined and the additional information such as academic performance of the teacher, study style of the students, etc. was analyzed. From these results, the possibility that high academic achievement on the part of the teacher and large extent of textbook use on the part of the students had a subsequent effect on the student academic achievement could be ascertained.
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