- 論文の詳細を見る
It is reported that few university or college students in Japan have recently reviewed or prepared lessons,and to our surprise,even the fundamental studies which are of paramount importance to them. The authors made careful surveys to ascertain whether or not the same is true of our students. The former part of the paper is intended as a report on the survey made by Professor Yokose to find out how and how long they study by themselves,in the library or their own rooms,and so on,except at classes given by their teachers. The latter part of the paper is written by Professor Tsujiya on the effects of a self-study using computers and a web-based reading comprehension text (English Reading Series Level 1), which our English teachers developed in 2002,in order to motivate some lower-level learners and the students who failed Freshman English A. The author reports that a self-study using computers is very effective for them.
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