The changing face of britain -images and reality-
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There are many famous images of Britain held by people in Japan. Those images can be wide-ranging, influenced by tourist trips to Britain, television programs or school textbooks. Some of the populer images include things such as Royal weddings and "kiri on London" (foggy London). However, are these images truly representative of modern Britain? Other cultures, inbluding Japan, are changing the face of Britain in many ways. This lecture shows how Britain is changing, and ezamines some of the challenges facing the country in a modern multicural world. Traditional images covering seven aspects of the social make-up of British society are examined and then compared with a more modern set of images. These aspects cober climate, social behavior, speech styles, literature, inventors and industry, architecture and food. From these imafes we can see the emergence of a changing Britain. We have changes in social behavior, in speech (even of the queen), in the ethnic makeup of Britain, in technology, and in the architecture of Britain. The challenge for Britain in all fields of life is how to combine the best of the old with the best of the new. It is no use maintaining old values, old ways of thinking, and old technology just for the sake of it - just becouse it is the "British way". In a modern world under the influence of globalization, it is important to adapt to ideas and beliefs that come in from the outside. However, it is rash to abandon all the principles and building blocks upon which a nation has been built. Combining the traditional with the new is the key point for crearing a new British identity for the modern day - an identity that doesn't abandon old traditions, but which is not afraid to change with the times. Two of the issues facing modern Britain are then examined, the food and health issue and the issue of multiculturalism. I look at some of the influences Japan is having on Britain in the world of food and consider whether the influence of other bultures is helping Britain with one of its biggest challenges - to be healthier. Then we look at the multicultural nature of Britain, and discover some of the callenges that face people from different cultures who live in Britain. In conclusion, I will try and show that a new identity foe Britain is developing, an identity that marries together the traditional with the new, and that this identity is both British and multicultural.
- 広島女学院大学の論文
- 2012-03-01
広島女学院大学 | 論文
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