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本研究では,四国・九州地方にある3ヶ所の介護老人保健施設に入所する高齢者48名を対象に,軽度の認知障害を有する者にも使用可能な客観的指標を用いて,抑うつがみられる頻度とその関連要因を明らかにしようと試みた。その結果,全対象の7割弱に軽度以上の抑うつ状態が見出された。また,調査項目の得点について単変量解析を行った結果,抑うつには罹患期間,日常生活動作,前頭葉機能,QOL,整容動作,洗顔が有意に(p< 0.05)関連していること,前頭葉機能には認知機能,日常生活動作,抑うつ,QOL,整容動作が有意に(p< 0.05)関連していることが明らかとなった。以上,特に整容動作,社会的認知に着目して自己評価を高めるような看護介入を行うことで抑うつを予防または軽減できる可能性が示唆された。In this research we tried to make clear the frequency and related factors,of depression in 48 persons in 3 nursing health care facilities for the elderly in Shikoku and Kyushu,using an objective evaluation method which can be used for persons with slight recognition dysfunction. As a result,the subjects inuesfigated a depressive state beyond slightness was found in a little less than 70 percent of investigation object. After a univariation analysis was performed on the obtained data,it become cleas that an infection period, daily life movement, the frontal lobe function, QOL, cosmetic movement and face washing relate at significance level (p<0.01) to depression and that recognition function, daily life movement, depression, QOL and cosmetic movement relate to significant p<0.01) to the frontal lobe function became clear. As a result of the above, the possibility depression, was suggested by considering and pestosming nursing interventions which raises self esteem while aiming at cosmetic movement and social recognition in particular.報告Reports
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