【特集論文 環境保全活動における住民参加の可能性】地域環境保全ボランティア活動の対外閉鎖性と活動の非継承性 : 「行政奉仕の習慣」と「相互鑑賞欲求」の動機づけからの考察
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The purpose of this paper is to clarify how membership of local environmental volunteer activities becomes exclusive and loses its continuity. Recently, government administrations in Japan regard it as an important matter to implement public involvement in the enforcement of environmental policy. Prefectures, cities andtowns have adopted the joint enterprise suggestion plan system of residents and administration. In such cases, the local environmental conservation group is assumed to be a partner. However, those volunteer groups have the problem of their membership becoming exclusive, and their activities do not often continue for more than ten years. Why do such problems arise? Referring to previous works can explain why those problems arise from the viewpoint of the following three categories ofparticipative motivations: 1) mission, 2) giving new meaning to society, and 3) individual and collective profit. However, there are some cases in which those explanations do not apply, according to my case study in Itako, Japan. Those cases will be introduced and investigated from the viewpoint of participative motivation in volunteer groups. Two other categories of participative motivation will be pointed out as new. They provide a new logical explanation regarding the problem of discontinuity and exclusive membership in local environmental volunteer groups.
- 2013-08-00
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