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千葉大学大学院人文社会科学研究科研究プロジェクト報告書第248集「外来性に関わる通時性と共時性 接触場面の言語管理研究 vol.10」村岡英裕 編"DIACHRONICITY AND SYNCHRONICITY OF FOREIGNNESS LANGUAGE MANAGEMENT IN CONTACT SITUATIONS VOL.10" Report on Research Projects No.248This paper investigates native Chinese speaker's (CS) disagreeing responses to the discrepancy arose in Japanese-Chinese contact situation, and attempts to built a model for theanalysis of management & generation process related to these responses. Through theinvestigation on daily chat (8 groups, JS: 8 CS: 8), it was found that in the discrepancies acknowledged by the CS about what was said in the native Japanese speaker's preceding utterances, there are discrepancies which is "noted as proposition deviation" and discrepancies which is "not noted as proposition deviation". During the management process of disagreeing responses which is aimed to dissolve the proposition deviation, and the generation process ofdisagreeing responses (when no proposition deviation was noted), disagreeing responses with ainappropriate presentation of the contrary views between participants in the conversation might cause "presentation deviation" to be noted. The dissolution of this kind of deviation might also beconsidered with the disagreeing responses until the responses come to the surface of theconversation. So during the management process of disagreeing responses, adjustments sometimes are made to dissolve the two kinds of deviation. However, sometimes one kind ofdeviation remains in the "evaluation" stage, while the dissolution of the other kind of deviation will be overridden. This suggests there is a possibility that the aim of adjustment could have been changed in the middle of the management process.
- 千葉大学大学院人文社会科学研究科の論文
- 2012-02-28
千葉大学大学院人文社会科学研究科 | 論文
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