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1)排水不良転換畑ダイズ栽培圃場において,畝立播種栽培および平畝栽培でのシグモイド型被覆尿素(CUS)の追肥または基肥施用試験を行った.畝立播種試験処理区は,慣行平畝区,畝立のみ行う畝立播種区,畝立播種時にCUSの120日タイプを60kg-N ha^<-1>施用した畝立+CUS120基肥区および培土期にCUSの60日タイプを60kg-N ha^<-1>施用した畝立+CUS60追肥区を設けた.子実収量は,平畝栽培の慣行区(3,490kg ha^<-1>)に比べ,畝立播種区(3,860kg ha^<-1>)畝立+CUS60追肥区(4,230kg ha^<-1>)及び畝立+CUS120基肥区(4,150kg ha^<-1>)と増加傾向が認められた.また,R7期(成熟始期)における地上部窒素集積量は,慣行区に対して畝立播種区は約22%と有意に増加し,さらにCUS60追肥区で69%,CUS120基肥区では92%と顕著に増加した.畦立て播種を行うことで,ちりめんじわ粒発生率が大幅に減少した.2)気象条件が同一と思われる長岡市内の慣行平畝栽培3圃場(川袋,雁島,長倉)においてCUS120基肥区およびCUS60追肥区を設置し,窒素集積量とちりめんじわ粒発生率を調査した.慣行区の生育が良く地上部窒素集積量が高い川袋,雁島圃場ではちりめんじわ粒発生率が低かった.地上部窒素集積量が少ない長倉圃場ではちりめんじわ粒発生率が高く,地上部窒素集積量に対するCUSの施用効果が大きく,ちりめんじわ粒発生率も減少した.また,長倉圃場では,CUS施用により窒素固定が促進された.3)上記畝立圃場試験および平畝圃場試験におけるR3期およびR7期の地上部窒素集積量または地上部乾物重とちりめんじわ粒発生率との間に有意な負の相関が認められた.以上より,ちりめんじわ粒の発生軽減には,排水不良の転換畑では湿害回避のため畝立同時播種栽培導入による開花期までの窒素集積量,生育量の確保とCUSの基肥または追肥施用が効果的である.Recently, in the Hokuriku region, soybean seed coats have begun to develop wrinkles, which markedly decrease the seed quality. In the present study, we analyzed the effects of ridge tillage (RT) and top or basal applications of sigmoidal releasing-type coated urea fertilizer (CUS) on nitrogen accumulation in shoots and the rate of side-wrinkled seeds. Field experiments were conducted in Nagaoka (Niigata Prefecture) in an upland field with poor drainage conditions converted from a rice paddy. In addition to the conventional basal fertilizer application, RT, RT+CUS120 (CUS120: 120-day type; 60kg N ha^<-1>) and RT+CUS60 (CUS60: 60-day type; 60kg N ha^<-1> top dressing at the ridging period) were compared. The seed yield was highest in RT+CUS60 (4230kg ha^<-1>) as compared with RT+CUS120 (4150kg ha^<-1>), RT (3860kg ha^<-1>), and the control (3490kg ha^<-1>). In addition, nitrogen accumulation in shoots at the R7 stage was increased by 22%, 69%, and 92% in RT, RT+CUS60, and RT+CUS120, respectively, as compared with the control. We also investigated the nitrogen accumulation and rate of side-wrinkled seeds at three conventional tillage fields in Nagaoka. RT reduced the rate of side-wrinkled seeds to half the rate observed with conventional tillage. These data indicate that there is a negative correlation between nitrogen accumulation and the rate of side-wrinkled seeds. Our experiment showed that RT and CUS application promoted nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen fixation in a field with poor growth conditions. Thus, the combination of RT and the use of CUS fertilizers should decrease the rate of side-wrinkled seeds in soybean plants grown in rotated paddy fields under poor drainage conditions.
- 日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 2010-08-00
日本土壌肥料学会 | 論文
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