教員間における協働概念の検討 : 「きょうどう」論の分析を通じて
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This article is the study of collaborative working relationships among teachers. There are some similar words about "collaboration" in Japanese. "Association", "Cooperation" and so on. So, this article reviews the research about teacher's relationships, and classify the each term. "Cooperation" means when one works with another to achieve something that one both wants. The word contains the meaning of equality, and the purpose which their groups should achieve is not very clear. Because the state of "cooperation" is that anyone can participate equally, so it is not very cohesive. On the other hand, "Collaboration" means when one work together with another person or group to achieve something. The word also contains the meaning of equality, and the purpose which their groups should achieve is clear. Because the state of "collaboration" is that anyone can participate equally and have the same purpose, so it is cohesive. I separates the words of "Kyoudou" in Japanese in this article. The appropriate word which describe the state of collaborative working relationships among teachers is "collaboration." And then, sometimes the state of collaborative working relationships among teachers becomes not the way of achieving the success but purpose itself. Because the review only focuses on the state of "collaboration" among teachers in the schools. So the study of teachers' "collaboration" don't deal with outside world, and have narrow viewing about "collaboration". This article explains why the review has the narrow viewing about teachers' "collaboration" in the schools. This article explains two important things. One is the fact that it is important to classify the each term about "collaboration", because these terms have different point each other. The other is that the study should be done about collaboration in organizations and among organizations.
- 九州大学大学院人間環境学府教育システム専攻教育学コースの論文
- 2013-03-28
九州大学大学院人間環境学府教育システム専攻教育学コース | 論文
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