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NCSU37で培養したブタの裸化卵母細胞について、成熟に伴う囲卵腔の大きさの変化を経時的に観察した。また、NaCl濃度を低くした低NaCl-NCSU37およびヒアルロン酸の合成阻害剤である4-メチルウンベリフェロン(MU)を添加したNCSU37で培養した裸化卵母細胞についても、成熟後の囲卵腔の大きさと媒精後の多精子侵入の頻度を観察した。採取直後の卵母細胞30個において、9個には囲卵腔はみられなかったが、21個には囲卵腔が観察され、卵母細胞30個の囲卵腔の平均値は0.63μmであった。囲卵腔は、培養8時間以降拡大したが、培養後22時間までの卵母細胞では採取直後のものと有意な相違はなかった。一方囲卵腔は、培養32時間以降有意に拡大し、培養44時間後では4.58μm になった。一方、各種培養液で成熟させた卵母細胞において、囲卵腔は、低NaCl-NCSU37で培養したものでは6.25μmであり、対照のNCSU37で培養したものの4.93μmに比べて有意に大きかった。また、MU処置した卵母細胞の囲卵腔は4.02μmであり、対照の卵母細胞の4.69μmに比べて有意に小さかった。受精率は、各種培養液で成熟させた卵母細胞の間で相違なかったが、多精子侵入の頻度は、低NaCl-NCSU37で培養した卵母細胞に比べ、NCSU37で培養した卵母細胞では有意に高いとともに、MU処置卵母細胞では、対照の卵母細胞に比べて有意に高かった。以上の結果から、囲卵腔の大きさと多精子侵入の頻度との間には密接な関係のあることが推察された。The size of the perivitelline space was measured in porcine oocytes without cumulus cells (DOs) cultured in NCSU37. In addition, the size of the perivitelline space of DOs cultured in modified NCSU37 with decreased concentration of NaCl and those cultured in NCSU37 containing 4-methylumbelliferone (MU), an inhibitor of hyaluronic acid synthase, was observed. The incidence of polyspermy in DOs matured in NCSU37, modified NCSU37, and NCSU37 containing MU following insemination was also examined, in order to ascertain a relationship between the size of the perivitelline space and the incidence of polyspermy. The perivitelline space could barely be seen in 70 % (21/30) of oocytes immediately after collection from antral follicles and could not be seen in 30 % of the oocytes. The mean size of the perivitelline space was 0.63 μm in oocytes immediately after collection from antral follicles and significantly increased to 4.38 and 4.58 μm at 32 and 44 hrs after culture. In DOs matured in modified NCSU37 with decreased concentration of NaCl, the size of perivitelline space (6.25 μm) was significantly larger than 4.93 μm in DOs cultured in NCSU37. The size of perivitelline space was significantly smaller in DOs cultured in NCSU37 containing MU (4.02 μm) than in those cultured in NCSU37 without MU (4.69 μm). DOs matured in NCSU37, modified NCSU37 with decreased concentration of NaCl, NCSU37 containing MU, NSCU37 containing no MU showed the maturation rate of 53.6, 56.7, 47.8 and 51.9% , respectively, and the fertilization rate after insemination of 82.5, 80.9, 88.1 and 85.7% , respectively. There were no differences in either the maturation rate or the fertilization rate seen among these four culture media. On the other hand, the incidence of polyspermy of DOs matured in modified NCSU37 with decreased concentration of NaCl was 32.7 % , which was significantly lower than 51.9 % of DOs matured in NCSU37. The incidence of polyspermy was significantly higher in DOs matured in NCSU37 containing MU (70.3 % ) than in control DOs matured in NCSU37 without MU (47.6 % ). From these findings, it was confirmed that the higher incidence of polyspermy is closely related to the smaller perivitelline space in porcine oocytes.
- 2012-09-00
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