- 論文の詳細を見る
This study examines how the pursuit of uniqueness affects the dressing behavior of female students. This study also examines the structure of images female students have on fast fashion. "Pursuit of uniqueness," "dressing behavior," and "fast-fashion image" were used as latent variables.As for "pursuit of uniqueness," a positive causal relation was observed between students who are "sensitive to the presence of others" and their "dressing behavior." A negative causal relation was observed between students who are "negative about expressing themselves" and their "dressing behavior."As for "dressing behavior," the more value a female student placed on "fashion trendiness" and the less value she placed on "prices," the stronger her "desire to express herself" was in terms of "pursuit of uniqueness." Also, the more "negative" a student was "about expressing herself," the more "sensitive" she was "to the presence of others."Observed variables of "negative about expressing oneself" were "inhibited" and "shy." As for "dressing behavior," students who are "negative about expressing themselves" showed a negative effect on "fashion trendiness," "steady-going/diligence," and "the penchant for purchasing through mail order or at mass merchandise outlets."Female students' images on fast fashion were "urbanized/cool," "wide variety of sizes," and "volume" (=affordable prices on better-quality materials).
- 2013-03-15
- ファッションを学んでいる女子学生の意識・行動に関する研究--名古屋、京阪神、九州の3地域間の比較
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- ブラウス用素材のテクスチャとイメージの視覚評定
- 女子学生の意識・行動に関する研究(2010) : 名古屋、京阪神、九州の3地域間の比較
- 女子学生の被服行動について : 独自性要求との関連
- ブラウスにおける素材の力学的性質と視覚評定との関連
- ブラウス素材の力学的性質とテクスチャとの関連
- ブラウス素材の力学的性質とイメージとの関連
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