年少日本人帰国児童の冠詞使用 : 前提性と特定性の観点から
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This study attempts to analyze the usage of articles in narratives produced by young Japanese returnees over a year. By using two perspectives of articles : the specific/ non-specific distinction [SR+/-] and the presupposedness by the speakers of the hearers'knowledge [HK+/-], their article usage is studied to determine whether attrition of articles occurs corresponding to a reversal of the Four-stage Hypothesis (Cziko, 1986 ; Thomas, 1989). Over-generalized use of definite articles, over-usage of zero articles and over-generalized use of indefinite articles are especially focused on to identify what stage of the Four-stage Hypothesis their article usage can be attributed to. Results show that there is distinctive difference in their accuracy of articles and in their stage level between the high and middle L2 retention groups. Returnees with high L2 retention developed their article use following the developmental pattern of the Four-stage Hypothesis. On the contrary, returnees with middle L2 retention simplified their article systems and showed increased usage of zero articles except for one subject whose L2 had drastically improved after returning to Japan. This subject's article usage demonstrated the same pattern as high L2 retention group. These results support Oiler & Redding's research (1971) which proposed L2 learners'usage of articles is a certain indicator of their overall English proficiency.
- 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科言語情報科学専攻の論文
- 2008-03-01
東京大学大学院総合文化研究科言語情報科学専攻 | 論文
- 英語2の新しい振り分けプログラムについて
- フレーム意味論から見た対照を表す英語の接続詞--whereasを中心に
- 小森陽一『日本語の近代』『ポストコロニアル』
- Notes de lexicographie francaise
- 詩人ボードレールという神話--「詩人の形象」の社会的機能に関する試論