多彩な季節感を育む日本の気候環境に関する大学での学際的授業 (暖候期の降水の季節変化に注目して)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The present study is a part of the activity to develop an interdisciplinary class on the climate environmentaround the Japan Islands in association with the "seasonal feeling", with attention to the seasonal cycle of the weathersystems and the rainfall characteristics during the warm season. Firstly, the school song "Wa-ka-ba" (which means thedeep green leaves) was analyzed as a typical song expressing the season just between the spring and the Baiu, fordeveloping study materials for the joint activity of meteorology to music. Next, seasonal difference of the rainfallcharacteristics around the Japan Islands was reviewed together with the new preliminary analyses, with attention to thecontribution of the "heavy rainfall days" to the total precipitation amount. Finally, the joint activity of the art withmeteorology for the class at the Faculty of Education, Okayama University was reported, together with the analyses ofthe students' works expressing the rainfall event in a specified season by themselves.
- 2012-12-00
西村 奈那子
光畑 俊輝
森塚 望
光畑 俊輝
西村 奈那子
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