東日本大震災による津波被害を受けた岩手県沿岸の水田の 除塩基準への温度影響
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東日本大震災に伴う津波被害を受けた水田における除塩の基礎的な知見を得る目的で,現地圃場試験ならびに温度応答試験を実施した.現行の除塩基準で除塩を行なった岩手県の被災水田 (土壌:水=1:5抽出法電気伝導率 (EC) 0.1~0.6 mS cm-1の範囲の6水田) に,岩手大学構内で育苗した水稲品種「あきたこまち」の苗を同一日に移植した.その水田間の生育の変動を気象影響(同一の市販培土を充填して各被災水田に埋め込んだポットでの生育と比較)と土壌影響(岩手大学構内で各被災水田の土壌を充填したポットにおける生育と比較)から解析した.圃場での開花期における地上部乾物重は,23~52 g 株-1と大きな変異がみられた.その変動は,気象影響よりも土壌影響に強く依存したものの,本研究の範囲の土壌ECや表面水ECと圃場での地上部乾物重との間では有意な関係性は認められず,塩類濃度が関与しないことを示した.温度応答試験では,塩類濃度による水稲の栄養成長の抑制に温度が及ぼす影響を,2段階の気温条件 (20.9,25.4℃) と6段階の塩類濃度 (NaCl濃度0~0.8%,0~137mM=EC 0.1~7.3 mS cm-1) で評価した.最上位展開葉の蒸散速度は,高温条件において低温より高く,NaCl濃度の上昇につれて低下した.地上部乾物重は高温に比べ低温条件で約50%小さかったが,高濃度塩類による地上部乾物重の低下は,高温条件では0.8~2.3 mS cm-1にかけて大きくなるのに対し,低温条件では2.3 mS cm-1まで低下がみられなかった.以上の本研究結果は,現行の除塩基準EC 0.6 mS cm-1は寒冷地においても適切であるが,蒸散要求量が少なく低温の寒冷地では緩和することができる可能性を示した.To investigate the effects of desalinization of the field caused by the March 2011 Tsunami on rice growth, we grew rice cultivar ‘Akitakomachi’ at six tunami-covered field spots in Iwate Prefecture, which were desalinized to a level below a criterion of 0.6 mS cm-1 EC, and examined their growth. Besides this field experiment, the rice seedlings grown in Iwate University campus were transplanted to pots filled with the culture soil on the market, and grown at the six desalinized fields (pot expt 1). In addition, another group of the same seedlings were transplanted to the pots filled with the soil from either one of the six desalinized fields and grown in Iwate University campus (pot expt 2). The dry weight at the flowering stage of the plants in the field varied greatly with the spot from 23 to 52 g plant-1, and was closely correlated with that in pot expt 2, but not with that in pot expt 1. However, the dry weight was not significantly correlated with the electrical conductivity (EC) of the soil and surface water, which confirmed the effectiveness of the criterion of desalinization. To evaluate the interactive effects of soil salinity with air temperature on rice vegetative growth, we grew rice plants under two temperature conditions (20.9 and 25.4°C) and six NaCl salinity conditions (0.1∼7.3 mScm-1EC). Leaf transpiration, which was higher at a high temperature than at a low temperature, was significantly reduced by high salinity. High salinity suppressed the vegetative growth and decreased dry weight at 0.8∼2.3 mScm-1EC at a high temperature, but not at less than 2.3 mScm-1EC at a low temperature. These experiments suggested that the criteria for des
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