パフォーマンス課題・評価を取り入れたダンス授業の比較的研究 -男性教員による男女共習における実践を通して-
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Purpose: A comparative study of the effect of lessons implementing a performance based task and assessment approach to those without. The purpose of this study is to clarify the effect students' motivation to expressing process through a two-year lesson and observation period. Method: To evaluate the change in students' motivation to learn, the Achievement Motivation in Physical Education Test (AMPET) was used. The AMPET was developed by Nishida (1989) for the purpose of objective verification in regards to the effectiveness of the instruction which appeared to raise students' motivation to learn. In addition, an original objective test was created by the researcher in order to grasp the broader range of the students' change in motivation to learn. Two PE teachers who have more than fifteen years of teaching experience, a university faculty member who is an expert in this subject area, and two graduate students participated in creating this test. Furthermore, the AMPET and the originally created test were conducted before and after teaching each unit. Results: The results of the AMPET did not indicate any significant difference between lessons implementing a performance based task and those without at different stages in the students' learning process. However, a significant effect was seen before and after teaching a unit. For the original objective test, a significant difference was shown in lessons implementing a performance based task at different stages of the students' learning process. This group showed more instructional effect compared to the control group. Conclusion: In accordance with the AMPET, there was no significant difference for lessons implementing a performance based task in different stages of the students' learning process. However, a significant effect was seen in the case of time period. Therefore, it is safe to say that a certain amount of instructional effect on problem solving learning through coeducational dance class is recognized. Also, the effectiveness of performance based task and assessment lessons was indicated through a significant change of the performance of the intervention group as seen in the results of the original objective test.
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- パフォーマンス課題・評価を取り入れたダンス授業の比較的研究 -男性教員による男女共習における実践を通して-
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