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Hohara, Sin-ya[Abstract] In resent years, the performances of new electronic devices, for example FPGA or so on, have been improved, and these devices become more cost-effective ones year by year. Moreover, prices of personal computers have become less expensive, and the programming environment on PC becomes much user-friendly and easy to operate in this decimal year. These advancements have possibilities to provide a great help for self-constructions of radiation measurement equipments, which needed huge cost and work to construct in the past. Then, I tried to construct a reasonable Mulch Channel Analyzer (MCA) with an educational FPGA board named EDX-005 (HuMANDATA ltd.), and conduct test measurements of the MCA. The MCA was constructed in a short period, and its cost was just under 50 thousands yen. The MCA normally works at 200 [cps/ch] count rate with a NaI(T1) scintillation counter. The description of the MCA and some points of self-constructions of radiation measurement equipments are provided in this paper.
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- 教育用FPGAボードを用いた安価な多重波高分析器(MCA)の構築
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