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[概要] 本稿の目的は, 日本人大学生の就職支援にとって有効なフォーマル・アセスメント・ツールと, 実施上の留意点を検討することである。大学生へのキャリア・カウンセリングで使用頻度の高いツールを, 性格検査とキャリアについての自己分析の検査に分類し, 特徴をレビューした。そして, 大学生の理解しやすさ, 大学側の実施しやすさの観点から分析した。その結果, 性格検査は, 新版東大式エゴグラムと矢田部-ギルフォード性格検査, キャリアについての自己分析の検査はVPI職業興味検査が適しているとの結論に至った。最後に, ツールを日本の大学生に(特に初年次教育で)実施する際の留意点と, 実施する目的そのものを再考する必要性を指摘した。 [Abstract] This research investigates the effective formal career assessment tools for Japanese University students who have difficulties in visualizing their future career. Several formal assessment tools in psychology, education and career counseling are reviewed by two categories. One is personality test which is applied to one's own appropriate occupation. The other one is career inventory for self-discovering in career choices. This research analyses the tools on how it will assist university students and guide them in making future career choices after graduation. As a results, this research evaluates the `TEG II' and `Yatabe-Guilford test' in the personality test category, and VPI (Vocational Preference Inventory) in the career inventory category, because these tools are understandable for students and useful in terms of cost effectiveness. In conclusion, this research recommends these formal assessment tools for Japanese university students' self-discovery in career, and some important points are discussed in using these assessment tools for students. In addition, this research suggests considering the needs of the formal assessments.
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