Holistic Health Elements in a Japanese Sport University Content-based Instruction English Course
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With the rise of globalization the subsequently rapid physical and virtual interconnectednesshas increased the focus on languages, in particular English. Throughout Asia, increasingnumbers of universities are offering subject content-courses in foreign languages. Similarly inJapan, a greater variety of subjects being taught are conducted in English, which alsocompliments the promotion by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science andTechnology( MEXT) to attract more foreign students to Japanese tertiary institutions. Japanese students rely upon university English programs to provide suitable courses thatenable them to develop linguistic and communicative profi ciency. In addition to mainstreamapproaches, a variety of language learning courses have prevailed in many contexts over theyears which include; occupation-based English for Specifi c Purposes (ESP), Languages forSpecifi c Purposes (LSP), English for Academic Purposes (EAP), Content and LanguageIntegrated Learning( CLIL)-the European equivalent for Content-Based Instruction( CBI). Thispaper aims to identify CBI as an effective language and education approach implemented forelective English courses at a Japanese sport college. Over several years of course-contentmodifi cations, three particular themes emerged and were selected to integrate the holisticcombination of mind, body and spirit. Such themes are prevalent in the fi elds of LifelongLearning and Education and essentially aim to; compliment the sports students’ studies andinterests, support their present and future long-term health knowledge, instigate and stimulatecritical thinking and improve learning motivation.
- 2012-03-15
論文 | ランダム
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