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コンパクトな都市や都市圏を創造するため,都市・都市圏内部・周辺の緑地を保全し,これら地域内の低未利用地を積極的に利用することが国内外で図られている.しかし低未利用地の土壌が汚染されている可能性がある場合,まず汚染の状態を特定し,ついで汚染による人体・自然への影響が高い場合,汚染を除去した上で,再開発が行われる必要がある.本稿では,土壌汚染対策に関して紹介されることが少ない,EU加盟国の一つであるスウェーデンにおける土壌汚染対策制度と,土壌汚染対策を踏まえた都市計画制度を展望することを目的とする.まずEUにおける土壌汚染対策制度を概観し,つぎにスウェーデンにおける土壌汚染対策制度について述べた上で,土壌汚染の可能性がある土地を含む地域での都市計画について論じる.To create compact cities or city regions, development in green fields is discouraged, while redevelopment in brown-fields is highly encouraged in and around the cities or city regions. If soils in these brown-fields might be contaminated with toxic materials, the degree of soil contamination is firstly identified in such sites, and secondly, the soils, that contain high level of toxic materials, are remedied, and finally these sites are redeveloped after the remediation. The purpose of the present study is to review procedures of remediation for contaminated sites and of urban redevelopment, in case planed areas might include such sites in Sweden, that is an EU member state, and such procedures are not reviewed until now. First, this study briefly mentions legal basis for remediation measure against soil contamination at EU level. Second, this study discusses remediation procedures for contaminated sites, and finally, it deals with procedures in the urban planning for redevelopment in contaminated sites in Sweden.
- 2012-03-20
論文 | ランダム
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