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The author has been investigating how young children acquire the concept of numbers atday-care centers in Tsuru under a grant from Tsuru University for Special Research Projects.The results of experiments which treated number concepts are explained and introduced inthis paper. The experiments were carried out over five days between June and October in2011 at Takara day-care center .In chapter 2, the results of the experiment on June 27 with a class of 4-year old children arereported. In this experiment we examined children’s matching ability between two sensemodalities: sight and hearing. We found that the children can clap their hands three or fourtimes according to the cardinality of apples in a picture, and that they can indicate the pictureof the correct cardinality apples when the teacher claps her hands three or four times. It isbelieved that young children often choose the elephant when they are asked to decide themore populous object in a picture where one elephant and three ants are drawn. Here, wereport that many 4-year old children can indicate ants, or the object of the correct cardinalityin such pictures, when the teacher claps her hands three times according to the cardinality ofthe ants.In chapter 3, the results of the experiment on July 11 with a class of 5-year old children arereported. In this experiment we examined the similar ability of children that had examinedfor 4-year old children in Chapter 2. It is reported that they can clap their hands four or fivetimes according to the cardinality of apples in a picture, and that they can indicate the pictureof the correct cardinality apples when the teacher claps her hands four times or six times(two three times).In chapter 4, the results of the experiment on July 25 with a class of 4-year old children arereported. The experiment treated the abilities of understanding one-to-one correspondence,of cardinalities fewer than six, between circles and circles, and also between circles andarrows.In chapter 5, the results of the experiment on August 5 with a class of 3-year old children are reported. The experiment treated the abilities of understanding the equality ofcardinalities smaller than 5, and of clapping the hands the same times of the cardinalities ofants or an elephant in a picture.In chapter 6, the results of the experiments on October 3 with a class of 5-year old childrenare reported. The experiment treated the abilities of understanding one-to-onecorrespondence, the concept of piles, counting, logical product, and number order.
- 2012-03-20
論文 | ランダム
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