Achievement and succession of professional identity in potters II : A microanalysis of generativity through examination of the master-student relationship at Tsunehide Shimabukuro Studio <論文>
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the achievement and succession process of professional identity of a potter artist from the viewpoint of Erikson's Epigenetic Schema. The interviewee was Prof. Tsunehide Shimabukuro, one of the leading potter artists in Okinawa, Japan. By the analysis of his narratives on the achievement process of mastery through master-student relationship at Tsunehide Studio. The following results were clarified: (1) Seven important tasks were suggested for growing as a professional potter, e.g. active motive for choosing to become a potter, learning the system of the job and being responsible for the entire pottery process, "watch and learn" from the master, obtaining aesthetic sense. (2) Professional identity was achieved in the process of re-achievement of psychosocial tasks from infancy to adolescence in professional work.
- 2012-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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