Geology and Paleontology of Yonaguni-jima
- 論文の詳細を見る
Yonaguni-jima is one of the southern islands of the Ryukyu-retto. extending from southern Japan southwestward nearly to Taiwan. About a half of the island's area is hilly, and most of the remainder consists of slightly tilted lowlands. The oldest rocks, Miocene in age, are Yayeyama coal-bearing beds, which consist principally of greenish to brown sandstone and black shale. The Yayeyama coalbearing beds have an exposed thickness of about a hundred meters at Arakawabana. It is overlain unconformably by the Ryukyu Limestone. The Ryukyu Limestone is a fringing reef limestone that crops out mostly north and southwest of the island and is at altitudes of sea level to about eighty meters. It consists of foraminiferous, coralliferous, and algal limestones. The maximum exposed thickness is about twenty meters. Recent deposits include sand and gravel of the present day beaches, sand dunes, and alluvium. Most of the f au1ts that cut the Yayeyama coal-bearing beds and Ryukyu Limestone are of high angle and east-west trending faults which make northward facing escarpments. Seven types of ichnofossils and two species of fossil plants are reported for the first time from the Yayeyama coal-bearing beds. At least 9 species of corals and 34 species of molluscs are reported for the first time from the Ryukyu Limestone. One species of corals and 12 species of molluscs from the Ryukyu Limestone of Tobaru more or less keep their natural color.
- 琉球大学理工学部の論文
- 1971-04-01
- 748. 沖縄島産貝形虫 Manawa 属の性的 2 型
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- 沖繩本島産象化石について : 琉球諸島の古脊椎動物相-そのIII
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- 沖縄県糸満市国吉産の鹿化石について
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- 港川人について(資料)
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- 沖縄県恩納村喜瀬武原における那覇層中の貝化石について : 第四紀
- 沖縄本島玉城村親慶原における知念砂岩の遺骸群集について : 古生物
- 尖閣列島黄尾礁の火山岩
- 1. 尖閣列島黄尾礁の火山岩(日本火山学会 1973 年度秋季大会講演要旨)
- 沖縄本島二三の鹿化石産地の産状について(予報) : 古生物
- 尖閣列島の地質(予報) : 第四紀
- Some Fossils from Yonaguni-jima
- 数種の腕足貝および、介形類の成長曲線について
- 2 亜熱帯知育の貝形虫
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- 八重山群島・石西礁海域の貝形虫群集(予報)
- Geology and Paleontology of Yonaguni-jima
- On the Occurrence of Fossil Deers from Kuniyoshi, Itoman-cho, Okinawa-jima
- Recent Uotsuri Limestone of the Senkaku-retto