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鳥取県岩美町浦富海岸の鴨ヶ磯地区において,海岸風衝低木林を対象に植生調査をおこない現地の植生構造について検討した。海岸沿い6地点と周辺クロマツ林 地点の計7地点の調査により,82種の植物が確認された。出現種とそれぞれの地点での被度をもとに多変量解析DCAを使って,各地点の植生類似性を検討した。群落分類の点からは検討の余地が残るが,DCA解析の点からは海岸沿いの6地点で地形に応じた植生の分化が明瞭に認められ,海浜植物が優占する草地群落,海岸性の林分が成立し下層にシダの多い尾根麓部,急斜面上,尾根上という つの単位に植生上のまとまりを認めることができた。調査では草原性の絶滅危惧種であるヒゴタイとキキョウも確認された。浦富海岸では,浜や海蝕崖といったモザイク状の地形に応じて微妙に異なる植生が配置されていることが明らかとなった。The vegetation structure of s coastal dwarf forest in Uradome Coast, San'in Kaigan National Park was investigated. Species composition and their abundance were recorded in each layer at seven stands in Kamogaiso area at Iwami town, Tottori Prefecture. In six coastal front stands, a sandy beach, two foot slopes, two steep slopes, small ridge and one remote stand (100 m apart from coastal front stands), a total of 82 plant species were identified. Similarity among seven stands was calculated by DCA analysis based on species composition and each species abundance score. Although some additional discussions may be necessary in the point of phytosociological community classification, four vegetation types were clearly identified in six coastal front stands by DCA analysis. Four types were sandy beach vegetation, coastal pioneer vegetation, coastal dwarf pine forest with poor understory species, and typical coastal dwarf pine forest and those were topographically arranged. In addition, endangered Echinops setifer and Platycodongrandiflorum were observed in Kamogaiso and these supports the importance of Uradome Coast in regional biodiversity.
- 2010-04-05
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