コミュニティー音楽療法の一環としてのドラムサークル実践の可能性 : 音楽で地域社会をつなぐために
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Community drum circles are important in connecting people through music in today’s modern societyand these drum circles are actively practiced all over the world. However, community drum circlesare not only for the western world or western people, but they can also be successfully applied tocommunities in Japan. Community drum circles with an integrated music therapy focus can furtherbe applied to people with or without physical or mental disabilities as well. Creating a meaningfulconnection with those with mental or physical disabilities to the general community is the overall aim ofintegrating music therapy with community drum circles. This paper further investigates the possibilitiesof integrating community drum circle activities with a music therapy focus.
- 2011-03-25
論文 | ランダム
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