The Effect of Regional Information Transmitted from a Specific Region to the Other Regions Using Internet Media “Ise-shima Keizai Shinbun”
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Most conventional mass media such astelevision, news press, magazines treat mainly the informationof Tokyo. The reason of it consists of three factors. The firstfactor is that the main office of mass media is concentratedinto Tokyo (more than 95% in mass media), and mostmanagers of mass media live in Tokyo. The second factor isthat for saving the interviewing cost and the producing cost ofa program, many interviews are asked near Tokyo. The thirdfactor is that the large part of viewers and consumers for massmedia live in near Tokyo. The one of mass media problems isthe concentration of the information about Tokyo. Theinformation from the other region is reproduced by “Tokyofilter”.We must change the concentration of Tokyo for a specificregion to power up. We established a Web news “Ise-shimakeizai shinbun” in 2006. We are in alliance with the Web news“Yahoo News Japan” and so on, and our news is transferred toall Japan. The number of access in top page of “Yahoo NewsJapan” is 1.9 billion access /month. If it would insert ourregional news, then the news would be spread to all Japan. Weresearches the route of diffusion to all Japan about the spreadarticles in ”Ise-Shima keizai shinbun”, and we will construct aregional innovation model about regional news.
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