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今回は臨海学校中の児童の体温変動に焦点を当て,これまでの研究を踏まえ考察した。その結果,実習中の児童の平均体温は平常に比べて上昇を示した。その変動は,4日目の夕方が最も高く,2日目の起床時が最も低かった。また,初日(1日目)の夕方に一度高まる傾向を示し,起床時と夕方共に2,3,4日目と日を追って徐々に上昇を示すなど,先行研究同様に臨海学校は児童の心身に強く影響を及ぼすことが示唆され,安全な臨海学校の運営に資する知見が見出された。The result revealed that the average temperature of whole pupils during the trip reached higher than normal. Children’s temperature tended to rise at the evening of the first day, gradually rise from Day 2 to Day 4, and fall on the final day. The temperature reached the highest at the evening of Day 4 and lowest at the time of awakening of Day 2. In addition, we have observed differences in the temperature variation among individuals, and therefore, although temperature rise is seen as the most common tendency, we have recognized temperature did not vary and even decreased in some pupils. Moreover, we have recognized a few pupils who lost their circadian variation and those whose hypothermia was improved. The above result suggested the existence of strong influence of seaside school trip on mind and body of pupils in the same manner of preceding studies.
- 2011-09-30
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