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本研究の目的は,手術を受ける老年期がん患者の家族員が看護師とのコミュニケーションにおいてどのような思いを抱いているのかを明らかにし,手術を受ける老年期がん患者の家族員への看護を検討することである。手術を受ける65歳以上の患者の家族員6名に参加観察と面接調査を行い質的帰納的分析を行った。分析の結果,手術を受ける老年期がん患者の家族員の思いは,1)患者の状態を案じることに精一杯である,2)患者を看護師に一任し患者の援助に手出しはしないようにしよう,3)病気や退院後の生活について概要を把握していれば十分である,4)看護師の専門的な力を借りながら患者の役に立ちたい,5)看護師に頼らず出来る援助を患者に行いたい,6)看護師は身近な存在だと感じられない,7)看護師とどのように関わればいいのか困惑する,8)自ら看護師と関わる必要性を思案する,9)患者の解釈から看護師の意図を推し量る,10)看護師の援助の限界を察知し現状を受け入れる,11)看護師から関心を寄せられて打ち解ける,12)看護師の対応に信頼を高める,の12の内容に集約された。手術を受ける老年期がん患者の家族員への看護のあり方は,柔軟に変化する家族員の主体性が維持できるように患者の病状と援助方法に関する不安や気掛かりを解決し,看護師と家族員の信頼関係を基盤としながら,患者の回復に向けて家族員と看護師が協働していくことであると考える。This study aimed to identify the perception of family members of older adult cancer patients undergoing surgery and examine methods for assisting such family members. Data was collected through semi-structured interview and participatory observation from six family members of patients above age 65 undergoing surgery, then analyzed qualitatively and inductively. Their perceptions were condensed into the following 12 groups: (1) My anxiety about the patient's condition is all consuming; (2) I should let the nurse handle the patient and not intervene; (3) Just knowing the basics about the patient's illness and their needs for self-care after being discharged is enough; (4) I want to use the nurse's expertise to help the patient; (5) I should realize the limitations placed on nursing assistance and accept the current situation; (6) I cannot feel close to the nurse; (7) I am confused about how I should interact with the nurse; (8) I dwell on whether I should initiate interaction with the nurse; (9) I want to assist the patient without relying on the nurse; (10) I have to speculate on the nurse's opinions based on the patient's interpretations; (11) I want the nurse to show interest and be open with me; and (12) the nurse's treatment leads me to trust him or her more. The results indicate that nurses should seek to sustain family unity by furthering the family's understanding of the illness and assistance methods, and that family and nurse cooperation for patient recovery should be based on relationships of trust.
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