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[Abstract] The aim of the present investigation was to determine a walking speed at which the fat oxidation rate was maximal. Middle-aged healthy seven volunteers (4 males and 3 females) performed an incremental walking exercise test to exhaustion on a treadmill. Substrate oxidation was determined using indirect calorimetry. Maximal fat oxidation rate was 0.32 ± 0.03g min<-1>(47.2cal min^<-1>kg^<-1>) and occurred at speed of 5.5km h^<-1>. However, the fat oxidation rate at speed from 3.5 to 4.5km h^<-1> was not different from the maximal fat oxidation rate. Therefore, it seemed that we can choose an adequate intensity among the range of these speeds depending on each fitness level, to improve are duced reliance on lipid oxidation. The intensity at which the maximal fat oxidation rate occurred (FATmax) was 47% VO_2 peak, and this value were similar with intensity of the previous studies that using untrained healthy adults.
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