<Original Papers>ウサギ未成熟卵母細胞の体外培養における培養液交換の検討
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Departmental Bulletin Paper[要約] 哺乳動物の卵巣には、未成熟な卵母細胞が数多く存在する。これらを体外で培養し、成熟させる事ができれば、卵子資源として利用する事ができる。 本研究では、ウサギの未成熟卵母細胞を用いて体外発育培養(in vitro growth; IVG)の培養液交換の条件検討を行った。1996年にマウスのIVG において産仔作出に成功したEppig らの培養液の交換方法、2日に一回半量交換(half replacement /2 day; HR/2 day)に加え、毎日半量交換(half replacement /day;HR/day)、毎日全量交換(Full replacement /day; FR/day)の検討を行った。またIVG 後に体外成熟培養(in vitro maturation; IVM)、顕微授精(intracytoplasmic sperm injection; ICSI) を行った。その結果、IVG-IVM 後のM II期卵子への成熟率は他の区と比較してFR/day が高かった。前核形成率はHR/2 day と比較してHR/day は有意に高かったが、以降の発生率に差は見られなかった。また、IVG に供試した未成熟卵母細胞から胚盤胞期胚まで発生した割合は、FR/day において高かった。以上のことから、ウサギのIVG において培養液を毎日全量交換することが効果的であることが示された。 [Abstract] The mammalian ovary contains a large number of immature oocytes. If these oocytes can be cultured and obtain developmental competence, these oocytes are expected to be used as new resources for medicine. We studied medium replacement interval for in vitro growth(IVG)of rabbit immature oocytes. We employed the method of Eppig in 1996 that succeeded in production of mice and tried the half-volume replacement of medium every 2days(HR/2day). Additionally, We tried the half-volume replacement of medium(HR/day)and full-volume replacement of medium(FR/day)every day. After IVG, oocytes were cultured for in vitro maturation(IVM). Consequently, the percentage of oocytes that reached the metaphase II in FR/day was higher than that of others. After fertilization by intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI), the percentage of oocytes that showed pronuclear formation in HR/day was significantly higher than that in HR/2 day, though there was no difference in developmental competence of reaching the cleavage stage and blastocyst stage for each condition. The developmental rate from the total number of oocytes used for IVG to the blastocyst stage was higher in FR/day. In conclusion, replacing the full volume of culture medium every day was found to be effective in rabbit IVG.
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- ウサギ未成熟卵母細胞の体外培養における培養液交換の検討