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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationships between the sentence comprehension strategies and the amount of Short Term Memory (STM),and to analyze the comprehendability of actor-patient relationships, in mentally retarded individuals. In the study of STM,29 mentally retarded individuals,aged from 14 to 38 years old,with 27 males and 2 females,were tested. The amount of STM was measured by two procedures. The first procedures was to test for memory recall by using digits. In the second procedure,the subjects were asked to select miniature toys after the tester calls the object name. In the study of the comprehendability of actor-patient relationships,29 mentally retarded individuals,aged from 16 to 38 years old,with 25 males and 5 females, were tested. The subjects were asked to memorize the actor-patient relationships on a picture and to reproduce it by using miniature toys. The results from these tests were as follows: 1) the subjects who showed event probability strategy in sentence comprehension task were able to store only two items in STM; 2) most of them were able to comprehend the actor-patient relationships on a picture.
- 室蘭工業大学の論文
室蘭工業大学 | 論文
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