Ch. -Ed.ジャンヌレ(ル・コルビュジエ)にみる近代的思考への歩み「ドム=イノJの近代性に関する誌論
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This paper is an essay on the modernity of Charles-Edouard Jeanneret (Le Corbusier) 's "Dom-Ino" ideas (1914). First, we clarified the general characteristics expressed in the "Dom-Ino" standard skelton out of the "Dom-Ino" houses. Second, we tried to c1arify the "Dom-Ino" ideas from a technical side and an ideal side. At last, we tried to understand the "Dom-Ino" ideas as a modernistic presence. As a result, it was proved that Jeanneret (Le Corbusier) combined a structural technique and an architectural idea in the "Dom-Ino": futhermore, an extensible possibility of the "Dom-Ino" signified an interesting aspect of the most modemistic ideas. And he separated the wall from the structural skelton, creating the pure interior space and the geometrical exterior as "le volume".
- Ch.-Ed.ジャンヌレ(ル・コルビュジエ)にみる近代性の萌芽:「芸術家のアトリエ」のための2枚のスケッチを巡って
- Ch.-Ed.ジャンヌレ(ル・コルビュジエ)にみる近代的思考への歩み「ドム=イノ」の近代性に関する試論
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- Ch. -Ed.ジャンヌレ(ル・コルビュジエ)にみる近代的思考への歩み「ドム=イノJの近代性に関する誌論
- 渡部貞清先生のご逝去を悼む(名誉会員渡部貞清先生逝去,会員フォーラム)